Pet Emergency Education Fundraising Program
Pet Emergency Education will donate a portion of the proceeds for a qualifying class held by an animal charity that is a registered 501(c)3 with the IRS
Host a qualifying public Pet CPR and First Aid Certification class and earn money for your favorite animal shelter, rescue or charitable organization that benefits animals
Pet Emergency Education will donate a portion of the proceeds (after expenses) from a Pet CPR and First Aid Certification class hosted by or on behalf of a qualified animal charity.
Classes can be held in any location including shelters, conference rooms, classrooms, waiting rooms, and more.
Our instructors will bring all of their own equipment and supplies
Fundraiser Class Policies:
*Charitable organizations must be a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organizations with the IRS
Click here to search for IRS registered 501(c)3 charitable organizations
No other discounts or promotions will be allowed to be used with a class that is designated as a fundraiser. This includes complimentary host registrations which will not be given out at a fundraiser class. All participants must pay full price.
Charitable organizations MUST actively and aggressively advertise their fundraiser class in order to get maximum attendance.
Donations are as follows:
10% of the registration fees if the class has at least 10-19 people in attendance or 20% of the registration fees if there are 20 or more people in attendance
Donations checks will be made out to the charitable organization at the name stated on the class request form. Charity names must match the name listed with the IRS matching their EIN. Donation checks are mailed directly to the charitable organization sometime during the first week of the month AFTER the class is held.
Charitable organizations and host locations are still obligated to host the class even if they have less than 10 people however charitable organizations must understand that they will not receive a donation for any class with less than 10 people in attendance.
The donation will be awarded on registration fees after class administrative costs only and does not include any revenue generated by sales of retail items purchased by class participants