Senior instructor application

Pet Emergency Education Instructors who have been active with Pet Emergency Education for at least 12 consecutive months, have taught at least 20 classes and have received favorable feedback and survey reviews may apply to become a “Senior Instructor”.
Senior instructors receive a complimentary, personalized “Senior Instructor” t-shirt and a unique badge logo that they can use for promotional purposes and which will be placed on their class registration pages. They will also receive an additional $5 per paid participant and will be looked to as a “mentor” for new instructors. Mentoring new instructors consists of such actions as being available to answer questions and/or concerns expressed by new instructors via the instructor Facebook group, allowing new instructors to sit in on one of your classes, etc. We also ask senior instructors to help new or struggling instructors on a case-by-case basis via e-mail or phone, especially veterinary professional instructors who teach the Advanced Pet CPR course.
Applicants must submit a class log indicating all of the classes they have taught. It is the responsibility of the instructor to keep their own log of their classes. The company will not provide it nor compile a list of classes for the applicant. Download a template of the Class Log at the bottom of this page.
If approved the increase in compensation to $25 per person will take effect for classes after this application is approved starting the following calendar month. For example, if the application is approved in January, then all classes taught starting February 1 would qualify for the increased compensation and that would be reflected in the instructor’s payment in March.
To become a Senior Instructor the individual must apply using the application below: