Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Did the class start promptly and run approximately the scheduled length of time? *YesNoIf not, why?Was the instructor pleasant and professional? If no, please explain. *YesNoCommentWhich of the following pets do you own? Please check all that apply. *dogCatHorseReptileBirdNoneOtherFeel free to list any animals you own not listed aboveDid you find the class location to be suitable? *YesNoIf not, please explain why:How organized was the class? *Extremely OrganizedVery OrganizedSomewhat OrganizedSlightly OrganizedNot Organized at AllCommentsWould you recommend this class to someone else? *YesNoWhy or Why Not?Do you feel that this class and the materials are a good value for the price? *YesNoWhy or Why Not? On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the most knowledgeable/prepared and 1 being the least, how prepared and knowledgeable about the subject material did you feel the instructor was? *12345CommentWould you like to see anything added, eliminated or changed to the class curriculum? If yes, please specify. *YesNoCommentHow did you find about the class? *E-mailInternetFlyerEmployerFacebookInstagramOther social mediaOtherIf other please list where:Overall, how would you rate your experience with us? *Rate 1 out of 5Rate 2 out of 5Rate 3 out of 5Rate 4 out of 5Rate 5 out of 5Additional comments or suggestionsSubmit 2025-01-12